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Why Do Dogs Scratch the Floor?

If your beloved pooch has left ugly scratch marks on your beautiful hardwood floor, you may be wondering what’s going on and how to put a stop to it. Here are possible reasons why dogs scratch the floor and how you can discourage this habit.

Is it normal for dogs to scratch the floor?

Yes, it is normal for dogs to scratch the floor. Scratching and digging are instinctive behaviors that hark back to the days when dogs were wild animals that lived in packs. Certain breeds like terriers, huskies, and collies are even more prone to digging, burrowing, and scratching.

So, scratching the floor is in your dog’s DNA. He or she is hardwired to do it. You should not worry excessively about your dog scratching the floor, provided it is not causing any damage to your floors.

Why do dogs scratch the floor before they lay down?

Scratching the ground or floor before laying down is a behavior domestic pet dogs have inherited from their ancestors. Wild dogs and wolves would scratch the ground to prepare it before lying down. This allowed them to create a shallow nest in the sleeping area that not only retained body heat but also protected them from direct view of predators. Additionally, pregnant dogs scratch the floor before laying down to prepare a safe birthing spot for the litter.

Why do dogs scratch at the floor or carpet?

Animal behavior experts have various theories about why dogs scratch at the floor or carpet. Here are some possible reasons your dog scratches at your floors.


As mentioned, scratching the floor can be instinctive behavior inherited from a dog’s ancestors. For instance, some dogs may scratch the floor because they are instinctively trying to dig a hole to hide from predators or create a warm resting area for the night. Check if your dog’s bedding is warm enough to keep him comfortable if you notice your dog scratching the floor around his bed.


Some modern-day domestic dogs scratch the floor out of boredom. If this seems to be the case, there are ways to keep your dog busy and protect your floors.


Dogs with emotional issues may take to scratching to relieve anxiety. If there is a tendency is to scratch the floor when you’re away, it may be a clue that your dog has separation anxiety.


Pregnant dogs who are about to give birth sometimes scratch the floor in preparation for the delivery. This is a normal instinctual behavior to create a safe and comfortable spot to birth the litter.

Scent marking

Dogs may scratch the floor to mark the area with their scent. The paw pads release pheromones that have a unique scent which tells other animals that a dog has been in a particular area. Your dog may therefore scratch the floor to establish dominance over other animals or simply mark his or her territory. Other ways dogs mark their territory is by urinating or defecating.


When confronted with a threat, some dogs will scratch the floor to try and “dig” their way out of danger.

Medical conditions

If you notice your dog has a newly acquired habit of scratching the floor, it could be something to do with her paws. Check your dog’s paws for thorns or other foreign bodies. They could be causing pain and making your dog scratch the floor in an attempt to get relief. Some senior dogs scratch the floor to distract themselves from the discomfort caused by arthritic joints in the feet.

How do I get my dog to stop scratching the floor?

There are several things you can do to protect your floors from scratch marks made by your dog. First, teach your dog that this behavior is unwelcome. Use the “no” command firmly every time your dog scratches the floor. Make sure everyone in the family reinforces the same training.

Other strategies to get your dog to stop leaving scratch marks on your floors include keeping your pet’s nails trimmed short. If this doesn’t work, you can look at protective nail caps or boots for your pet. Placing an area rug or carpet runner is a good way to hide scratch marks and discourage your dog from scratching further in a favorite spot.

Also, make sure you take your dog for regular walks so they can dig and scratch to their heart’s content.

There is usually a good reason behind most dog behaviors like scratching the floor or digging on beds and couches. As far as dog behaviors go, scratching the floor is not the worst thing. Dogs are known to do all kinds of disgusting things like rolling in dead animals. Hopefully these tips will help you figure out why your dog scratches the floor and how to put a stop to this undesirable habit.

12 January, 2023