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Dog Penis Guide

Living with a pooch often means looking the other way at some pretty gross behaviors. We’re talking about things like dogs humping air, smelling butts, and licking their privates. If you have a male dog, another behavior that can leave you a little red in the face, especially if you have company over, is your dog’s penis making an appearance at an inappropriate time. You may have jokingly referred to it as your dog’s “rocket” or “lipstick.” This dog penis guide will give you answers to all the questions you have but didn’t know who to ask.

What are a male dog’s private parts called?

A male dog’s private part is called a penis. A normal dog penis is usually pink or dark brown in color and has a cone-shaped tip. When not aroused, the dog penis is stored inside the body. When a dog is aroused, the dog penis becomes erect and protrudes from the body. An erect penis may be larger and can appear slightly swollen. The penis is surrounded by a sheath, called the prepuce, which helps to protect it and keep it lubricated.

Other related structures to a dog penis include:

Smegma: This is a cheesy or waxy looking substance that builds up on the surface of a dog penis, especially in breeds with large sheaths. It is a mixture of dead skin cells, oils, and other bodily fluids. In small amounts, smegma is normal, but it can accumulate and cause discomfort or infection if not regularly cleaned.

Os Penis: Also called the baculum, this is a bony structure found in the penis of some mammals, including dogs. It supports the dog penis and can improve a male dog's ability to mate by allowing for a longer, stronger erection.

Bulbous Glandis: The bulbous glandis is a swelling at the base of the dog penis that becomes engorged with blood during sexual arousal. This engorgement helps to keep the dog penis inside the female dog during mating.

Why do male dogs’ private areas stick out?

You’ve probably guessed the answer to this one. The dog penis usually sticks out when a dog becomes sexually aroused. This is a normal physiological response that allows a male dog to mate and reproduce. You may or may not know this, but in dogs, the penis is usually kept inside the body and is only exposed when the dog is ready to mate. When a dog becomes aroused, the muscles in the penis relax and allow it to become red or pink. The dog penis then becomes erect and protrudes from the body. The process of the penis becoming exposed is called a "dog erection."

Can neutered dogs become erect?

Yes, neutered dogs can still become erect, even though they have had their testicles removed. The ability to become erect is not solely dependent on the presence of testicles, but rather on the functions of the muscles and blood vessels in the penis.

Neutering a dog can have a variety of impacts on his sexual behavior, including a decrease in the frequency of erections and a reduction in aggressive or territorial behaviors. However, it's still possible for neutered dogs to become aroused and have an erection, especially if they are stimulated visually, chemically, or physically.

If your neutered dog has frequent or prolonged erections, it may be a sign of an underlying health issue. It's best to consult with your veterinarian.

What should I do if my dog’s penis is out?

If you notice that your dog's penis is protruding, you should assess the situation and determine if it's a normal or abnormal event. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Normal Erection: If your dog is healthy and not in any pain, and his penis is simply protruding because he’s sexually aroused, then you can simply wait for the erection to subside on its own. Your dog may be trying to mate, so keep him away from any female dogs in heat. Try to keep your dog calm and relaxed. Once the arousal wears off, the penis will slip back into place.

Dog Penis Stuck After Mating: Sometimes, dogs get stuck after mating. This is also called a copulatory tie and occurs because the arousal or swelling in the male dog penis does not go down, preventing the dog from pulling out. Do not attempt to separate dogs that are stuck as it can result in serious injuries to the dog penis and female genitalia. Here are some tips on what to do if your female dog’s private area is swollen.

Painful Erection: If your dog is showing signs of pain or discomfort, such as whining or licking his genital area, seek veterinary care as soon as possible.

Trauma: If you suspect that your dog's erection may be due to trauma, such as an injury to the genital area, make an appointment with your veterinarian immediately.

Paraphimosis: This is a condition in which the dog penis becomes trapped outside the body and can't be reinserted. It is a medical emergency and requires immediate attention from the veterinarian.

How to tell if my dog’s penis is infected?

An infected dog penis can cause discomfort and pain for your pet and can also lead to more serious health problems if left untreated. Here are some signs to look out for that may indicate an infected dog penis:

  • Swelling or redness in the genital area can be signs of an infection.
  • A discharge from your dog’s penis that is yellow, green, or has a foul odor may indicate an infection.
  • If your dog is licking or biting the genital area, he may be doing this to relieve discomfort or pain.
  • An infected penis can cause difficulty urinating or may cause your dog to strain during urination. (Find out how often a dog should pee)
  • If your dog is uncomfortable due to a penis infection, he may have a reduced appetite.

If you notice any of these signs, take your dog to the vet for a thorough examination and proper diagnosis. An infected penis can be treated with antibiotics, but it's important to get prompt veterinary care to avoid any complications.

13 February, 2023